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All Projects

Bean it

I developed this app with the purpose to track and measure my coffee brewing recipes.


  • 2021


  • Android
  • Design
Image of bean it logo and app screenshot


🙌 Co-creator
@Felix Gerberding, @Daria Kowalska

The app Dinermind was created during our studies in the Module "App Development" and focuses on giving the user suggestions about what to have for diner. The idea originated from us three finding ourselves going through the same dishes over and over. The user will be notified after leaving a set place (e.g. work, school) and can choose from a couple of recipes and easily create a shopping list for the stop at the grocery store on the way home.


  • 2020


  • Android
  • Project Management
  • Agile Planning
Image of a phone running the dinermind app

Bean it

I developed this app with the purpose to track and measure my coffee brewing recipes.


  • 2021


  • Android
  • Design
Image of bean it logo and app screenshot


🙌 Co-creator
@Felix Gerberding, @Daria Kowalska

The app Dinermind was created during our studies in the Module "App Development" and focuses on giving the user suggestions about what to have for diner. The idea originated from us three finding ourselves going through the same dishes over and over. The user will be notified after leaving a set place (e.g. work, school) and can choose from a couple of recipes and easily create a shopping list for the stop at the grocery store on the way home.


  • 2020


  • Android
  • Project Management
  • Agile Planning
Image of a phone running the dinermind app

Bean it

I developed this app with the purpose to track and measure my coffee brewing recipes.


  • 2021


  • Android
  • Design
Image of bean it logo and app screenshot


🙌 Co-creator
@Felix Gerberding, @Daria Kowalska

The app Dinermind was created during our studies in the Module "App Development" and focuses on giving the user suggestions about what to have for diner. The idea originated from us three finding ourselves going through the same dishes over and over. The user will be notified after leaving a set place (e.g. work, school) and can choose from a couple of recipes and easily create a shopping list for the stop at the grocery store on the way home.


  • 2020


  • Android
  • Project Management
  • Agile Planning
Image of a phone running the dinermind app